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Blog / 16 Nov 2019

(Daily News Scan - DNS English) Remembering Nehru (130th Birth Anniversary Special)


(Daily News Scan - DNS English) Remembering Nehru (130th Birth Anniversary Special)

Important Points:

Children’s Day or Bal Diwas is day specially dedicated to the children across the nation. On this day children enjoy take part in several activities in their school and participate in debates and other events held in their schools or nearby areas. This day is also celebrated specifically on 14th of November to pay tribute to our first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Jawaharlal Nehru was extremely fond of children which can be truly felt by his words. “I may not have time for adults, but I have enough time for children.”

Children have the power to shape the world. Children’s day celebrates the country’s young mind, empowers them and also pays tribute to the independent India’s first Prime Minister’s birth anniversary. This celebration dates back to 1956 when Universal Children’s Day was celebrated on November 20 in consonance with the United Nations. Later on in the year 1964, when Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru died, it was decided to shift the celebration day on his birth date from 20th to 14th November to commemorate his birth anniversary and his affection for children.

Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was fondly called Chacha Nehru. The most prominent reason for him to be called Chacha Nehru was his love for children. He was born on November 14, 1889. He had once said that children of today will make the India of tomorrow. The way we bring them will determine the future of the country. He was a strong promoter of children’s education. Pandit Nehru was born in Allahabad, presently known as Prayagraj. He went to England for his studies at the age of 15. He came back to India in 1912 and joined politics soon after his arrival. As a student also he was interested in politics and was very inspired by Mahatma Gandhi once he met him.

Pandit Nehru has played a great role in India’s struggle for Independence. Pandit Nehru is also known as the people’s Prime Minister. He has written several books including- The Discovery of India; Glimpses of World History and his autobiography Toward Freedom.

Pandit Nehru strongly preached children’s education. He believed in scientific knowledge and was an important pillar in shaping the country’s education sector. In his opinion the role of education in any individual’s life is not restricted to only academia but it extends to one’s economic and social contributions as well. It was his vision that our country has been privileged to have institution of higher education like Indian Institute of Technology, Indian Institute of Management and All India Institute of Medical Science. He also helped in establishing the Lalit Kala Academy and the Sahitya Academy. According to him education is not only about academics and scholarly studies but also about art culture and all round development. He believed in the country’s young minds and emphasized on their growth.

Even after his death his legacy and vision still continues.